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  • 美式英語和英式英語的不同

    2012/3/8 分類:教學議題 作者:Kerry Maxwell and Lindsay Clandfield 點閱次數:3786

    ●大致來說,在同樣的情況底下,美式英語較常使用簡單過去式(simple past tense);英式英語較常使用現在完成式(present perfect tense)。請看以下例子:


    一 討論過去的某個動作對現在造成的影響時


    美式英語Jenny feels ill. She ate too much.

    英式英語Jenny feels ill. She’s eaten too much.


    美式英語I can’t find my keys. Did you see them anywhere?

    英式英語I can’t find my keys. Have you seen them anywhere?



    二、在含有already, just和yet的句子裡


    美式英語Are you going to the show tonight? No. They already saw it.

    英式英語Are you going to the show tonight? No. They’ve already seen it.


    美式英語Is Samantha here? No, she just left.

    英式英語Is Samantha here? No, she’s just left.


    美式英語Can I borrow your book? No, I didn’t read it yet.

    英式英語Can I borrow your book? No, I haven’t read it yet.




    在英式英語裡面,集合名詞例如:class, team, staff等等,可以是單數也可以是複數形式,完全依據使用者把這些名詞視為一個整體或是獨立個體。


    My team is winning.

    The other team are all sitting down.



    Which team is losing?


    Which team is/are losing?





    Are you coming with us?

    I might do.



    Are you coming with us?

    I might.


    二 英式英語當中,needn’t常被用來代替don’t need to,例如:

    They needn’t come to school today.



    They don’t need to come to school today.



    I shall/will be there.




    四、英式英語當中,shall I / we 很常被用來詢問建議,例如:

    Shall we ask him to come with us?



    Should we ask him to come with us?




    一、在英式英語裡面,at 常被用在很多時間的表示方式,例如:

    At Christmas

    At five o’clock

    At the weekend


    但以weekend 這個單字來看,美式英語則常使用on

    Will they still be there on the weekend?

    She’ll be coming home on weekends.



    She studied chemistry at university.



    She studied French in high school.



    I promised to write to her every day.



    I promised to write her every day.