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    2014/12/31 分類:教學實務 作者:Sunny Lee 點閱次數:4375


     “A well-decorated classroom not only enables students to learn with greater efficiency, but

    also creates a positive learning atmosphere.” 教室佈置的用意,除了美化學習環境、展現學習



        We will need to staple all of the students’ work on the bulletin board.



    Use of Expression 用法分析

    教室牆壁上的佈置wall decorations,除了最常見的海報posters、月曆calendars、標語slogan和

    教室規則classroom rules,將單字貼在牆壁上,也能增加孩子們接觸單字的機會。另外,我很喜

    歡將學生的作品釘在佈告欄上,每當我說Students’ work need to be stapled onto the bulletin

    board. 時,就會有非常多的volunteer 想要幫忙釘作業。為什麼要用staple(釘)這個字呢?通常

    教室裡較常聽到的是glue(用膠水沾黏),attach / clip(夾上)及put something on(放上……)


    心得報告projects or reports 及寫作essays / writing。展示作品不但可增加學生的信心boost

    students’ confidence,還能成為其他學生仿效的目標set goals for others。 

    Dialogue 情境對話

            Teacher: This year, we will be making greeting cards and New Years                

                    writing projects.


    Students: Can we take them home this week?


     Teacher: I’m afraid not. We will need to staple all of the students’ work on the bulletin

                   board. Then, we can put up the art projects on the walls to make our classroom

                   look festive for the month.



    Similar / Related Expressions 你還可以這麼說!

    We will make a word wall. 我們會製作一面生字牆。

    We should put all your bags against the wall. 我們應該將書包靠牆排好。

    Put all books away neatly on the shelf. 請把所有的書整齊地放回書架上。


                     Our grades will be reflected on the honor roll.



    Use of Expression 用法分析                                                                                         

     從小在加拿大長大,可能是因為國情不同,小朋友在成績單上拿個B或者C+ 就算不錯了。國外的

    家長及老師在乎的是課外活動extracurricular activities,在他們的觀念中,小朋友應該有健康的社

    交關係social relationships,透過團體活動來自我成長promote self-growth,才是最重要的。亞洲

    地區的家長對小朋友的期望expectations,則經常放在才藝的學習developing talents及卓越的成績

    attaining high marks,似乎才藝學的越多,成績排名越前面,就是越好。東西方截然不同的文化差

    異cultural differences,從「榮譽榜」honor roll 評比的項目也能看得出來。國外的學校除了依據成



     Dialogue 情境對話

    Michelle: My parents are going to kill me for sure! It’s report card day today!


    Joshua: But I thought your parents didn’t care about your marks.


    Michelle: They don’t about my mark